Get to know your local beach-nesting birds!

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

BirdLife Australia are holding a workshop where you can learn more about your local beach-nesting birds- how to recognise them and what they need to be able to survive. Learn how to interpret the quirky behaviours of the birds, why it is so important for the local community to get involved in their protection and […]

Weed Strategy Review- Community Information Sessions

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

FRIENDLY REMINDER: You are invited to attend a Weeds Strategy Review Community Information Session DATE: Monday 28th August TIME: 5-7pm  VENUE: Shire Administration Building Reception Room Denmark is fortunate in having areas of bushland set throughout the Shire which represent many diverse vegetation types. These reserves are under increasing pressure from increased visitation bringing with it the risk […]

Saving Our Snake-Necked Turtle

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

Join forces with Murdoch University to participate in the Saving Our Snake-Necked Turtle project. Presented by Anthony Santoro and Murdoch University, participants will learn about turtles, the latest research, and contribute to critical citizen science using the TurtleSAT app to help inform future management for snake-necked turtles. For further information about the project, please visit […]


Denmark Bird Talks

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

Denmark Bird Group Inc. presents "Denmark Bird Talks 7". With presentations from: Dr Catherine Spaggiari- "Prescribed Burning- Where do the birds go?" Dr Mike Lohr- "Rodenticides and Wildlife: research and future directions." Robyn Pickering- "Australasian Bitterns." Kirsty and John Anderson- "Djerrt Mia Bird Sanctuary." Morning tea provided. Entry by donation. Registrations essential to Kirsty:

Worm Farm Composting Workshop

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

As a part of the Shire's community-oriented Sustainability Environmental Education Program, this backyard home based Worm Farm composting workshop will teach you how to set up a worm farm and give you strategies for maintaining a healthy aerobic worm farm. Afternoon tea provided. Please wear enclosed shoes. Places are limited.

Worm Farm Workshop

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

You are invited to a WORM FARM workshop! This Worm Farm composting workshop will teach you how to set up a worm farm and give you strategies for maintaining a healthy aerobic worm farm. Afternoon tea provided. Please wear enclosed shoes. To register for either workshop please contact Shire Sustainability Officer Yvette Caruso on […]

Composting Workshop

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

You are invited to a composting workshop! Feed Your Soil, not your plants! This Composting workshop will teach you how to turn your kitchen scraps and yard trimmings into a nutrient rich soil amendment teaming with essential microbes. Afternoon tea provided. Please wear enclosed shoes. To register for this workshop please contact Shire Sustainability Officer […]

Coastal Reserves Management Plan Community Workshop

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

The current Shire of Denmark Coastal Reserves Management Plan is due for review. Get involved to have your say towards coastal management for the Next Ten plan. Community Workshop- Wednesday 24th of May 2023, from 5.30-7.30pm, at the Shire of Denmark Reception Room. Registration essential. Please RSVP to attend: or 9848 0300. Community Survey- […]

Habitat Gardening Workshop

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

This habitat gardening workshop will teach you how to create a habitat garden based on science, experience and culture- celebrating our unique plants and animals and their role in pollination and pest control. Afternoon tea provided. Please wear enclosed shoes. To register please contact Shire Sustainability Officer Yvette Caruso on or (08) 9848 0346. […]

Create a Habitat Garden presented by the Frog Doctor

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

As a part of the Shire of Denmark's community-oriented Sustainability Environmental Education Program, this Habitat Gardening workshop, presented by Frog Doctor - Johnny Prefumo, will teach you how to create a habitat garden based on science experience and culture - celebrating our unique plants and animals and their role in pollination and pest control. Afternoon […]

Let’s Talk… Community Workshops with Shire of Denmark

Denmark Shire Administration Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

The Shire of Denmark has recieved hundreds of community submissions to the Strategic Community Plan review. Now it's time to make sure they are on the right track! Come along to a community workshop near you to help the Shire of Denmark finalise the community input for the draft Strategic Community Plan. Tues 28th March […]