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Balance Inside and Out workshop

Denmark Community Resource Centre 2 Strickland Street, Denmark, western australia, Australia

Balance is a handy body barometer, as it can be a measure of our current physical and mental state. Our ability to balance is essential for our everyday living, yet it is often taken for granted, until we feel challenged. Balance is not static, nor is it only based in our feet. When we are […]


Linking Together- Carer Social Support Group Denmark

Reminisce Cafe (Denmark Rivermouth) 1 Inlet Drive, Denmark, WA, Australia

Taking a regular break and having a supportive social network improves wellbeing, is an opportunity to rest and recharge, and helps unpaid family carers to be in the best position to sustain their caring role. Linking Together Social Support groups allow members to catch up and meet other carers in their local community. Coordinated by […]

The Hypnotic Journey – Guided Hypno-Therapeutic Meditation

Denmark Yoga Centre 4/39 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, Australia

Traverse the realms of time & space and journey into the depths of your being. Tap into the treasure chest of subconscious resource within you, clear out what no longer serves and re-align with the energies & patterns that support your inner health and well-being. Suitable for beginner’s, seasoned meditator’s and everything in between, this […]


Ayurveda Autumn Cleanse

Denmark Yoga Centre 4/39 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, Australia

Eat your Easter chocolate and then start afresh! As we shift into a new season we may find the effects of a busy summer and social gatherings creating fatigue, stagnancy, digestive complaints and skin issues. Join Emma for a Yoga & Ayurveda workshop (and join the online private group) on how to do a home […]


Event Series Pilates & Yoga with Laura

Pilates & Yoga with Laura

Denmark Yoga Centre 4/39 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, Australia

MONDAY Pilates 6-7pm @ Vibeology Wellness TUESDAY Pilates 9-10am @ Vibeology Wellness FRIDAY Yoga Flow 10.30-11.30am @ Denmark Yoga Centre SATURDAY Pilates 9-10am @ Vibeology Wellness Contact Laura for more information - 0408 896 661 Private sessions using reformer and chair available on request.

FREE Skin Cancer Screening

Berridge park Hollings Road, Denmark, Western Australia, Australia

Denmark Lions as a joint project with the Lions Cancer Institute Inc. will be conducting a FREE skin cancer screening for anyone in Denmark over the age of 18. To make an online screening appointment, go to, scan the QR code or phone 0457 672 513

Event Series Cooking Circle

Cooking Circle

Denmark CRC 2 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, Australia

Build confidence and develop new skills, cook a healthy meal to take home (BYO container). All ingredients and cooking equipment supplied. Connect to services, training and volunteering opportunities. Each Thursday from 18th July to 22nd August - 9.30am-1pm
