Special film screening at Denmark Arts on Wednesday May 1 Explore below the surface and journey through the captivating stories of Jarvis, a surfer and photographer; Craig, a seadragon expert; Karen, an experienced diver; Jake, a spearfisher; and Marc, an ex-abalone fisher – each sharing their unique bond with WA’s south coast in this spectacular […]
Creative | Interactive | Inspirational Kira's drama classes can enhance a child's confidence, communication, teamwork, creativity and social skills through improv games, role playing, storytelling, short plays, costumes, prop play, movement, expression and group performances! Term 1: Denmark Arts House Home-School Class: Ages 5-10: Wednesday 2pm-3pm After-School Class: Ages 7-13: Wednesday 3.15pm-4.15pm Pre-School Class: Ages […]
Join Denmark Arts for Paper Collar Pickers CD Launch Doors open 6:30pm @ Denmark ArtsHouse Tickets $27.95 via Denmark Arts
UPDATE Mingle with Singles has been cancelled due to lack of bookings. If you would be interest in this kind of event in the future, please let us know by contacting us on 9848 2842 or email reception@denmarkcrc.com.au Get ready to mix and mingle! Join us for a fun filled afternoon at the Denmark Arts […]
Alison Parade | Claudie Joy | Clove Humble Armada | Jasper Lemann | Jack Davies (solo) | Maia Harcourt | Mia June | Mike Hunt | Ningaloo Records | Red Moon Cowboy | Ruby Taylor | Roydonk x Squidslick | Sn33ze | St. Marg 2 Stages / Live Music / DJs / Arts Markets + […]
FREE Entry for Denmark FM Subscribers!
Learn to play a 'Djembe' (African drum). No experience necessary, and there are drums available, to use. There is no age limit, although the drums are probably too big for children under 8 years old. For more information, phone Tuaari on 0428 172 587, or email tuaari@yahoo.co.nz
Great Southern Storytellers invite you to an Evening of Tales from North America $10 cash at door Please bring a plate of finger food to share (cultural themed food encouraged!) RSVP- greatsouthernstorytellers@gmail.com Jeff: 0431 211 887 or Sylvia: 0435 006 228
A tribute to the Rolling Stones. Full price $25, Denmark Arts Members $20, Concession $15, Under 18 free.
Join this Denmark Premiere screening of the new film ‘Fighting Giants’ on Pibbelmun Menang boodja at Denmark Arts House and a light dinner will be available. The Kimberley has some of the largest intact natural landscapes left in the world. It is also a culturally rich region, home to a living Aboriginal culture that is […]
Bring in an old top and upcycle it into a unique Denmark Festival of Voice bit of merch that you can wear around the festival and treasure for years to come. This space is supported by Act Belong Commit, helping us to stay connected. This is a free event please RSVP!