Nanna’s Next Door: Intergenerational Playgroup
CWA Hall 9 Mitchell St, Denmark, WA, AustraliaWelcoming Seniors and toddlers 0-4 on the second Wednesday of the month for an intergenerational playgroup. Gold coin entry
Advocare Monthly Support & Information on site
Denmark Community Resource Centre 2 Strickland Street, Denmark, western australia, AustraliaCreating Killer TikToks & Reels in App in Canva
Denmark CRC 2 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, AustraliaFun Friday Tennis & Golf
Denmark Country Club 925 South Coast Hwy, Denmark, WA, AustraliaCarols by Candlelight @ Berridge Park
Berridge park Hollings Road, Denmark, Western Australia, AustraliaSunCircle Pilates Classes
Denmark Yoga Centre 4/39 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, Australiaa 45minute full body Pilates experience. open for all ages, levels and bodies, this class is designed to connect to your body, understand its movements and deepen its abilities. Through working multiple muscle groups I aim to strengthen mobility, flexibility, strength and overall health in a fun, conscious space.
Denmark Death Cafe
Denmark CRC Garden Room 2 Strickland St, Denmark, Western Australia, AustraliaCome along to Denmark CRC Garden Room to drink tea, eat cake, and discuss end of life.
FREE Financial Counselling
Denmark Community Resource Centre 2 Strickland Street, Denmark, western australia, AustraliaLet's talk about strategies to manage your money and meet costs during these tough times. An Anglicare WA Financial Counsellor visits the Denmark CRC fortnightly. To book a free and confidential appointment call 9845 6666
Healing -Spirit Soul Body
Denmark Library 20-16 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, AustraliaTuesdays @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Healing -Spirit Soul Body Free weekly Healing meeting and blessing - exploring the Spiritual , Soul and Body needs through YaHWeH EVERY TUESDAY 11am -12 at the Denmark library , Strickland st. Free
Gingerbread House Making
Denmark Community Resource Centre 2 Strickland Street, Denmark, western australia, AustraliaDenmark Kwoorabup Community Garden Workshops & Fun Events
Back of Denmark CRC Strickland Street 2, Denmark, WA, AustraliaDenmark Bridge Club
Denmark Lodge Cnr Offer Street & Ocean B, Denmark, W.A.If you would like to join the Bridge Club contact the following members. Denmark Bridge Club - Monday's 1pm @ Denmark Lodge, corner of Offer Rd and Ocean Beach Road (near Mitre Ten) Ph: Carole on 0417897659 Denmark Bridge Club - Thursday's 9am @ Denmark Lodge, corner of Offer Rd and Ocean Beach Road (near […]
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