Exploring Motion – 6 week Yoga course
Denmark Yoga Centre 4/39 Strickland St, Denmark, WA, AustraliaExplore healthy movement / Improve mobility / Deepen your understanding of your own body / Develop a self practise
Explore healthy movement / Improve mobility / Deepen your understanding of your own body / Develop a self practise
Explore healthy movement, improve mobility, deepen your understanding of your own body and develop a self practise. Limited spaces, bookings required. 6 classes - $120 or $100 concession
A Yoga Synergy based class using gentle, accessible and functional movement and meditation to enhance joint health, body awareness and overall wellbeing.
A myofascial release class aimed at easing and elimination pain, increasing mobility and flexibility and leaving you feeling calm and relaxed.
FUN GAMES MUSIC & PRIZES!! Get your skates on and dress as your favorite superhero! Pre sale tickets available online only. $6 includes roller skate hire if needed BYO helmets and safety gear. Children under 10 must be supervised by a parent or guardian.
Check out all the different yoga classes available at the Denmark Yoga Centre. All day classes by donation.