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Mount Hallowell Bioblitz



The Mount Hallowell Bio Blitz is a citizen science event that will enable the public to learn about the unique biodiversity that exists in the reserve. The public will be lead by expert scientist, Entomologists, Botanists, Zoologists, Aboriginal Elders and Ecologists, who will assist you to learn about the native flora and fauna in the reserve. During the event you will use a smart phone to photograph and record flora and fauna species in the field using the I-naturalist app.

The Mount Hallowell Bio Blitz will be an opportunity to collect a dataset which gives an indication of the status of the biodiversity that exists in the Mount Hallowell A class reserve. Different groups will survey different areas of the reserve to collect information on the ecosystem types and its health.

The event itself will be a fun and engaging opportunity for the local community to learn about biodiversity at the reserve. It will also be a way to learn about ways in which biodiversity can be protected in the reserve.

Venue: Mount Hallowell Reserve- Headquarters (Maloney Close, Ocean Beach Denmark)

Date: Saturday 28th October 2023

Time: 9 am -12 (First bio blitz survey session)
12- 1 pm Lunch Break

1 – 3.30 pm (Second Bio Blitz survey session)

To Bring: Hat | Lunch | Backpack | Drink bottle | Smart Phone | Inaturalist app installed | Battery re-charge pack | Suncream | First Aid kit | Long sleeve pants | Long sleeve shirt |

Cost: Free Event. Bookings are essential.


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